Preventive measures at Sarajevo International Airport

As a logical result of overall activities and measures being taken in Bosnia and Herzegovina on prevention of spreading the virus of pandemic influenza of type A (H1N1), Sarajevo International Airport, as an important link in a whole chain, is implementing the following:
  1. frequent airing of all the spaces accommodating a lot of people – natural ventilation is the most important;
  2. intensified cleaning with disinfectants of all surfaces – toilets primarily;
  3. provision of sufficient quantities of protective equipment (masks, gloves) for all the employees who could come in contact with infected persons; the protective equipment will be used upon announcement of arrival of passengers suspected for the infection.
The listed measures were proposed by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Directorate of Civil Aviation of B&H, in accordance with guidelines and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), International Health Regulations (IHR), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airports Council International (ACI).